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Introducing Kit: Your Very Own Virtual Drop Shipping Assistant

Last week, we teamed up with Shopify’s very own virtual marketing assistant Kit for a new integration that will help you increase sales. If you’re a Modalyst Retailer using Shopify, you can now install Kit to help you add new products and market them through ads, all by simply replying “yes” from your mobile device. Thanks to Kit, merchandising and marketing have just gotten a lot easier.

Get personalized product recommendations and add them to your store on-the-go

As a Modalyst user, each product you add to Shopify runs through our unique algorithm that determines its category, price range, sales performance and much more. With Kit, you can now receive product recommendations for items with similar characteristics as well as those that are selling particularly well in your store delivered directly via text messages or Facebook messenger. If you like the products and wish to add them to your store, simply reply “Yes” from your phone and those items will be instantly added to your store. You don’t even have to log into Modalyst for it to work!  Our constantly improving algorithm works to recommend the perfect products for your own personal brand.

Start a social media campaign for your new products

Once the products are added to your storefront, Kit can automatically create a marketing campaign and share the new products on your Brand’s Facebook account.  You can also run paid Facebook ad campaigns through Kit with just a few messages! Instead of having to go to your computer, log onto Facebook, design and create the ad for your new products, now Modalyst and Kit will do it all for you on-the-go.

Get started now

If you’re a Retailer on Modalyst using our Shopify app you can start using our Kit integration right away! Simply click on the “My Dropshipping” tab on your Modalyst dashboard and visit the “Apps” section where you can install Kit. After you sign up for your free trial and install the Kit app you will start receiving messages up to twice a day based on your Modalyst activity*. Kit is free to try until you make a few sales, so you don’t have to spend any additional money until you are sure it works for your store.

To learn more about Modalyst and Kit you can check out our FAQ here: Kit Integration

To learn more about Kit, check out its Shopify Documentation and Official Website

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